Monday, July 6, 2009



I am pleased to tell you that "A Foster Mother's Child" has been accepted for publication in the inaugural issue of Assisi, which will appear in early October 2009.

These most recent pieces are ones I've been trying to get published since I started submitting like 2 years ago! This is a new online journal run by St. Francis College in Brooklyn, NY.

I heard about this one from Allison Joseph's creative writing opportunities list she puts out.

Things like this make it easier to push send again and again.



bethany said...

yay! congrats on your acceptance. that's great news. have you been writing much this summer? i kind of hit a wall...

JayTee said...

Thanks! I actually have written a lot this summer. Not all poetry. Lots of free writing, some fiction, a screenplay, and maybe a few poems. Only 1 poem I've written all summer is worth anything, I think lol. I'm sure you'll be ready to write when it's time!

Unknown said...

Just wanted to celebrate your 2 acceptances. I wish I was submitting regulary like you. I need to make it a weekly thing!

JayTee said...

Thanks vizion! Yes, submit. Rejection really helps with the revision process and, of course, acceptance feels amazing!