I received a call from the director of the creative writing program today. He said a lot of nice things. I'll try to cover what he said because I've always wondered what those calls were like.
So the call came in from a 205 area code. He introduced himself and what program he was calling from then said they'd like to accept me. I swear he almost sounded like he was calling to talk about something else because his pauses seemed to last forever. My mom was sitting across the room and I started waving at her frantically saying, this is it! lol She comes over and kneels down next to me trying to hear through the cell phone too lol.
He said that they really liked my sample, that I was doing a lot of different things with the poems and they liked that, he made a comment about one of my poems and how someone on the committee could hear it being read out loud, they really liked my sonnet crown. Then he said that it was a great packet...my letters were great, he mentioned my poetry professor's letter specifically, he said my SOP was great (which totally surprised me lol). Then he thanked me for sending a great packet.
I asked him, "What should I be asking you?" and he laughed. He said that we don't have to rush and he sent me an email as soon as we got off the phone with all the details and contact information and all that. There is an opportunity for them to assist with a campus visit but I may be in Egypt so I may not be able to do that. Hmmmmm....I have to sort that out.
I just got done sending my poetry professor a mushy email about how she changed my life LOL. Maybe I should have waited until I calmed down to give her the news lol.
Special shout-out to M.! Thanks again!
A Stick of Time
1 month ago
Congratulations on the acceptance at UA! I know the 205 area code well - I'm from Birmingham, AL. If you have any questions about the area, I'd be glad to help.
Thanks KOE!
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