You guys...2011 was an exceptional year. I saw a lot of my dreams come true: I graduated from my MFA, got a visiting professor position teaching poetry, completed and submitted my full-length manuscript. I'm excited to see what 2012 has in store!
First up--I had the honor of interviewing Saeed Jones about his chapbook, When the Only Light is Fire, over at Eclectica Magazine.
Also, I realize I'm really, really hard on myself. I don't think I'm productive enough, don't think I read or write enough so I was just doing a mental inventory and I realize I'm no less productive than I was in previous years. I may even be more productive! I'm involved in a monthly poetry book club/workshop online. Another friend of mine asked me to be a part of a bi-weekly poetry workshop. And I've written about 12 poems in the last 4 months while teaching 3 college courses. I'm not saying any of this to brag. I'm saying it to say to my Self...shut up!
Right now I'm pulling individual poems from my manuscript that I feel uneasy about and revising them. I need to spend more time on this manuscript before I send it out again in mid-January, so that's my new year's project for now. I think I may be feeling uneasy about the new stuff I'm trying to write because I'm not actually ready to move on from this manuscript yet. So I'm going to focus less on trying to generate new work for awhile.
My resolution: be more self-aware.
More submissions to come!